After the success of his latest comedy series, “Ana w Hya,” Ahmed Hatem returns to the big screen with the comedy movie “El Matareed.”
El Matareed movie stars Ahmed Hatem, Tara Emad, Eyad Nassar, Taha El Desouky, Hassan Malek, Mahmoud Ellithi, Mahmoud Hafez and many others. Written by Salah El Gehiny, and directed by Yasser Samy.
The movie revolves around Salah, played by Ahmed Hatem who returns from America after his father’s death to receive the inheritance and sell his properties in the countryside, including a football club.
The film’s shooting is set to end tonight.
Ahmed Hatem recently shared on Instagram a behind-the-scenes photo of him with actress Tara Emad and actor Mohamed Mahmoud alongside a person who looks like the world-famous football coach, Pep Guardiola from the movie “El Matareed.”
He commented: “Pep Guardiola…Welcome to El Matareed.” It seems like Guardiola will play an important role during the film’s events.
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