Facebook has revealed data of emoji usage on its platform in the last three months. In Egypt, Face with Tears of Joy, Red Heart, Heavy Black Heart, Birthday Cake, and Cherries are most popular.
Additionally, over the past three months, Facebook has revealed that it has seen an increase in the use of the plane emoji globally on Facebook posts as the easing of restrictions continues and the public sets its sights on foreign travel once more.
Facebook also reveals that, globally, women create more posts containing emojis than men. Interestingly, the use of fire emojis is more prevalent among men than women. The face with heart-shaped eyes is the stand-out popular standard emoji for women in Egypt.
Top emojis in Egypt:
The top 4 emojis used across Egypt include:
(Face with Tears of Joy)
(Red Heart)
(Heart Suit)
(Heavy Black Heart)
Top food & beverage emojis in Egypt
To celebrate World Emoji Day, Facebook has looked at how food and beverage emojis are being used in Egypt on the platform. Some of the top emojis in this category include:
(Birthday Cake)
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