The cast and crew of The Back Row film, directed by director Sherif Mohsen, Produced by Victoria Film, travelled to different six governorates for shooting the film. Starring Bayoumi Fouad and Tayam Amar, The Back Row is released now in Egyptian and Arab cinemas.
The filming took place in Ezbet El Borg in Damietta governorate, Badrashin and Shabramant in Giza, Alexandria, Al-Burulus in Kafr el Sheikh, Banha in Qalyubiyya, and Cairo governorate.
In the film, director Sherif Mohsen presents 20 actors in their debut roles and the casting phase included screen tests, in addition to selecting other actors from the Artistic Creativity Center – Khaled Galal acting workshop.
The Back Row stars Bayoumi Fouad and Tayam Amar along with Yasser El Tobgy, Mohamed Abdel Azim, Amgad Abed, and Nora Abdel Rahman. Produced by Victoria Film, the film is written by Sherif Mohsen, May Ziady, Alaa Hassan and directed by Sherif Mohsen.
The film tells the story of a naive young guy who has a single story to life, but he goes through a one-day journey, which turns all his concepts upside down.
Victoria Film is an integrated, production company specialized in filmmaking. Established by director/producer Sherif Mohsen in 2017, Victoria Film’s main aim is to produce unique and innovative work that reflects the artistic angle of life. The company’s goal is to script, direct and produce new ideas while balancing between both quality and content. In 2019, the company produced its first short film Light Blue, which took part in the Shanghai Short Film Festival in 2021, the Cairo Shorts Film Festival, and International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) in 2022. In 2020, Victoria Film produced the long feature film A Day in Cairo and the documentary Echo that documents the war in Gaza that lasted for 11 days and received a Special Mention at the Asia South East Short Film Festival.
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